


Never grow up as Peter Pan said,
Or was it Taylor Swift? 
Whichever, it means the same; 
If you grow up you become boring, old and lame
In every sense; no more running in rain
Or jumping in puddles, or laughing at jokes
That are silly and innocent and full of fun and Sun,
No more swings or slides, or beach donkey rides...
Just insomniacs,taxes, credit card maxes.

It's not all like that; it's not a trap. 

Yes it's hard. Yes you have to work at it,
Sometimes you just have to smile and grit,
And hold on tight and hope you're alright. 
I've had my share of knocks and set backs,
And morally ambiguous attacks
On my character or way of life, 
I've had my share of toil and strife.

But you know what? 
I've had my share of beauty too
I've seen the sunrise on Beacon Hill.
I've felt that chill
That runs down your spine when you see someone fine
When they smile and talk to you.
When the love of your life says "I do"
I've learnt to control my fear, to pick up spiders.. 
(in a glass) but still...
And release them on to the window sill.
I've kissed in the rain, experienced pain, 
I've read all the greats, 
I love Lolita, the Master and Margerita,
Crime and Punishment, and all other stories meant
For philosophising, 
Not just the tale, but the morals there, too.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not bashing "Dear Zoo"

I've dyed my hair, cut my hair, grown my hair, 
(shaved my hair),
I've traveled far and wide, been a bride, felt so much pride,
Loved and been loved and been broken hearted.
Felt pleasure and pain when someone's departed, 
Experienced guilt, and lust and broke or gained trust,
Saved money, spent more,
Been exciting, been a bore,
Learnt music, languages, how to hold a drink,
How to speak, how to laugh, how to swim and not sink.

Yes there are taxes, yes there is stress,
Yes in the end, it all leads to death.

But there is too much 
Far, far too much in this world that is beautiful,
Too much to behold.
Too much to understand.
As a child it's great, but as an adult it's greater.
When you're holding the hand 
of your parent it's nice
Of your husband, it's nicer.

So go ahead. Grow up - not too fast, 
but enough to know
That as you're growing, there's some way to go.
So much to see.
So much to do.
So much to taste and smell and like and hate.
Read that book, eat that oyster, go on that date.
Just enjoy it.
Every single bit.
Every moment 
Of sadness, of badness, 
Of big bawdy gladness.

You only get this once,
No second chance,
In this totally upside down,
Confusing, amusing, incomprehensible
completely nonsensical 

Just laugh and cry and smile and love
Never regret the things you've done.
And grow up.
And have fun.

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